Saturday, March 1, 2008

Elsa's Birthday Party at Kangaroo Zoo

Elsa with Victoria

Elsa being followed by her school pals Jaylee and Desi

Left to right: Jaycee (old friend from daycare), Elsa, and Jaylee (who is in Elsa's class at school and lives across the street from Grandma)

Left to right: Jaylee, Isabelle, Desi, and Funny Face.

Vynessa Sorana (Elsa's Cousin)

From now on, I will ONLY have birthday parties at establishments that have cages!

But it's not a good idea to get IN the cage.

Elsa and Isabelle

Taylor (Natalie's little boy)

Grandma N. and Brooklyn

"Thing 1 and Thing 2"
Tracy's Twins Gage and Kaden

Natalie and Taylor

Taylor's Finger

Natalie and Ryan (Tracy's Husband)

Tracy and Lucus (her twinless son)