Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th

We spent the 4th of July in Delta watching what can only be described as a super awesome parade. Seriously, we had a lot of fun. It seems in Delta, paraders throw candy at spectators. For some reason in Delta there are only two kinds of candy though: saltwater taffy and Tootsie Rolls. But to Elsa, candy is candy and when it's hurled toward you and you have to compete to get it, well it may as well be gold!

She wore her cute red, white, and blue outfit Suekey got her. It was a popular outfit, I saw it on two other children, but it looked best on her. Look at those dancer legs!

The pics are not so good, we didn't have our camera so these are cell phone pictures.

The picture above is Ryan's brother-in-law Dan with Elsa and his twins. I believe they were in a pre-game huddle. Notice Dan telling them how to get in the best candy grabbing position.
And our miss Addey was with us too. She slept for the bulk of it, but she liked the marching band. This is her watching them march.

I didn't get any pictures of it, but she was transfixed by the fireworks that night too. She tried desperately to keep her eyes open to watch but eventually drooped off.